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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 1, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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etiology itself. >> bret: all right, panel we have a lot more to talk about. we will bring covid up another time. thanks. ♪ ♪ >> bret: finally tonight, a special delivery, new graphic and all. the fox family grew by one. correspondent alexandria hoff gave birth to a beautiful baby girl earlier today. margaret jean hough born just before noon 6 pounds 14 ounces. congratulations to alex and her husband nathan from everyone at "special report." one viewer at a time. we love it for the demo. tomorrow on "special report," why would the u.s. take in palestinian refugees when arab countries aren't? remember, if you can't catch us live, set your dvr. set your home tonight fair, balanced and still unafraid. here is laura. >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. thanks as always for joining us.
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silence speaks volumes. that's the focus of tonight's angle. now, right down to the spooky staging, we have seen how the white house springs into action when it needs joe biden to go out and condemn americans. well, the americans who didn't vote for him. >> this maga threat, a threat to the brick and mortar of our democratic institutions. it's also a threat to the character of our nation. >> laura: as pathetic as it all came off at the time, biden did have his talking points down pat. and the entire cabinet, remember, they were on board as well. maga extremist, mega maga extremist. but as pro-hamas protesters just engulf universities, destroying campus life, suddenly the white house can't find a coherent set of talking points? yeah. kjp today said well, we have spoken out against hate. well, the real reason that we haven't heard a peep from joe biden, i'm going to spell it out for you.
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p-a-n-i-c. from axios, the unofficial mouthpiece of the establishment says democrats enter panic mode as gaza protests erupt. one house democrat saying the longer they continue and the worse they get, the worse it's going to get from the election overall. and when asked about the pro-hamas chaos on campuses, democrat senator sherrod brown of ohio, remember, he is in a tough tight race for re-election. well, he declined to comment. merely saying people have the right to speak out and should. oh. that's very profound. but why is it so hard for them just to say that protesters who are interfering with the rights of others who are trespassing or in violation of the university rules or the law what's so hard about that. lame explanation from annie hurster, supposedly a moderate democrat congresswoman from new hampshire she said it's
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complicated enough for us with the range of opinions and height of emotions we have without weighing in on what colleges should be doing negotiation my bored lord, these people are just lost at this point. they are kind of in a political thicket and the thorns are the morons complaining they aren't getting better takeout. >> it's ultimately a question of what kind of community and obligation columbia feels it has to its students. do you want students to die of dehydration and starvation or get severely ill, even if they disagree with you. if the answer is no, then you should allow basic -- i mean, it's crazy to say because we are on an ivy league campus this is basic humanitarian aid we are asking for could people please have a glass of water? >> laura: now, other protesters, of course, are just deeply and obviously anti-american. repeating the far left's talking points that are just circulated ad nauseam on social media. >> do you think fordham will listen to you guys and do you know even if fordham does have a
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bunch of, you know, relationships with israel? >> i would hope so. they do. they have a connection. they have a whole program dedicated to tel aviv and a college there. and i -- my sign says everything i have to say. complicit. >> laura: totally. violence is going to break out as it did in ucla last night. [chanting] [beep] >> laura: is this summer of love part 2? democrats know the footage. it's killing joe biden. yet, his response is to, what? move ahead and forgive student loans for those ungrateful brats? so why are they doing this? why are they going down a path that they know hurts his chances in the fall? well, the sad truth is the democrats windowless room right now with no exit. i think they are silent because, over time, their party became so out of touch with normal america
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they lost so many working class votes that now they really just can't afford to offend the hard left. now, remember, biden is trailing trump even with the hard left mostly in his camp. what chance will he have if those folks stay home or if they vote for r.f.k. jr.? have no chance. now, take michigan as an example. biden is in danger in michigan in large part because everyone there understands if biden is reelected a lot of auto jobs are going to be lost to china. so, without real support from the auto workers, which i don't think biden is going to get at this point, certainly biden can't lose the muslim vote, can't lose the squad so though have to keep these folks happy somehow at the same time they know normal americans hate and i mean hate these protests but, again, democrats can't really afford to care because they figure that those people aren't voting for biden anyway. they know normal americans don't want more radical islamic refugees either that are
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imported into the united states. but, again, they don't care. because they know that if you're concerned about things like open borders, you've already decided to vote for trump. my friends, democrats are in a flat spin. they don't care that congress and the american people overwhelmingly support israel. they don't care that most voters are sick of these soros funded weak on crime prosecutors and the lawlessness they encourage. >> what will you guy does when the police come right in here and, you know, end up maybe handcuffing people and arresting them? >> we will do what we have always done. we will get arrested, just like the criminals in the subway. they always right back out in 24 hours. >> laura: when democrats see these hard core leftist they see potential campaign volunteers. people who will be manning their phone banks think need to help register more voters. need those people. if it takes letting them riot on campus, flooding the country with islamic extremists,
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spending tens of billions of dollars in student loan give aways to bribe them? well, so be it. the democrat silence is part of a larger, more desperate effort by them to hold together what i think is just a bizarre coalition. remember they demonized devout recognition christians. they took hispanic and black voters for granted and then they indulged the blm protesters who trashed the police. the same police who these liberal administrators who are now on campus begging for help. but democrats form common cause other people. people who burned our flag and ridiculed those who proudly raise it. normal america loves raising the flag. now, right now the democrat coalition, i made a little checklist, is on the verge of collapse. it's a motley crue. feminists who still wear masks when driving alone in their subarus. blm types who still hate the police. green wackos who hate gas stoves and gas powered cars. of course, government workers,
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teachers unions. the media, globalists billionaires who, like china open borders and cheap labor, and the anti-israel pro-hamas activists you are seeing on the campuses and last, but not least, the never trumpers like liz cheney who want war with russia. now, this might be a long list, but it doesn't really represent most of america, not by a long shot that's why they need to import some more voters, potential voters whether they are south from the border or from gaza. years back, we wondered how would the democrats get along with the hard left? really get along, work with them? people like ilhan omar, rashida tlaib, but now we know how did chuck schumer stop aoc from running against him? well, it turns out chuck became more like her. and that's why they are keeping quiet now about what's happening in places like columbia and fordham and ucla.
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their silence tells us they are all squad members now. and that's the angle. joining me now judge jeanine pirro, co-host of "the five." judge, great to see you. i promoted it all day long on social media. >> judge jeanine: you did. thank you. the ricter scale is going to be moving with our commentary tonight. >> judge jeanine: well, first of all, let me tell you i loved your angle. >> laura: thank you. >> judge jeanine: there was so much in there i can't wait to get to it so you go. >> laura: tell me who is responsible for this chaos. obviously the activists on the ground. but what's behind all of this in your estimation? >> i think the take down of this country began several years ago. i think that joe biden himself is an example of the visceral decline that this country is in. and it started with the fact that the left realized, laura, that they lost middle america. they lost hard-working americans. and i had to smile when you talked about, you know, most americans are proud when the american flag goes up. i was proud when the cops in new
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york city at columbia university took down the palestinian flag and put the american flag up. but, what has happened is they have become so much a part of that left and that movement, that they just assume that even though we have lost middle america, we got all these illegals and make no mistake in new york city they want them to vote. in municipal races and you know what's next i just read a couple days ago and for the life of me there is another city they want illegals to be able to vote. they are in a situation where they know they have lost america. and, joe biden knows i'm not telling him anything, he has got a 71% disapproval rating for his handling of gaza. but, this is the man who at this point has given up on america, given up on the institution of government. and the fact that he would go out and literally make america hate maga extremists and not be
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able to talk about pro-hamas jew hating, american hating people who call for the genocide of jews and call for the elimination of israel it's just stunning, yesterday he went with marine one. he went with all his press people around him so nobody could ask him a question. the only thing that's come out of the white house is a statement by someone i don't even remember. they don't care about the things that we care about, laura. >> laura: no, no. >> judge jeanine: they don't care about this. you know what? we got george soros behind it, funding it. george soros prosecutors who are going to get rid of these charges. they are not going to be prosecuted, and they know it. until america recognizes it we are in big trouble. go ahead. >> laura: i think the biden administration, they probably have a pretty good idea who is behind all of this. they know what's going on with the prosecutors but watch this. >> does president biden want his administration to find out who is funding these protests?
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>> what i can say -- you know, um, -- i cannot -- uh -- i cannot speak to, uh, the organizations being reported on the ground. that is something that i'm -- that local law enforcement, certainly, is looking into. lawyer. >> judge jeanine: i love. >> laura: judge, take it away. >> judge jeanine: i love it. the fact that she said local law enforcement is looking into, means that the white house doesn't care about it. the white house should be on top of it, and if mayor eric adams said they are outside agitators who was a democrat on the outs with the white house as we know they don't care. they don't want to know. they don't want to be responsible. should be out there saying we are starting an investigation. title 6 moneys are available here and we got to make sure that jewish students are protected on campus. that's not happening. no one is saying in anything. no one cares about the
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fundamental and institutions of this country. it's going to miss with joe biden. >> laura: president trump spoke out on all of this, judge. it was awesome. watch. >> every college president i say remove the encampments immediately, vanquished the radicals and take back our campuses for all of the normal students who want a safe place from which to learn. [. [cheers and applause] trump trump biden should speak out. he should say something. nobody knows where he is. >> laura: biden is not making any big decisions. we all know that but, what's your theory? is it because they just can't afford to offend the squad and far left at this point and they are just going to try to go for broke? >> i believe, laura and i listened to you closely. i thought the angle was excellent. i think they know it's close but they want michigan. they are not worried about losing the election. they are worried about winning michigan. i think they think if they win
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michigan everything will be okay. if they're quiet about the pro-hamas group, everything will be okay. and do you know what? the whole idea you have got these kids out there saying they are going to die of dehydration. >> laura: ha! >> judge jeanine: they're the ones closing down the universities. they are hypocritical, spoiled, elitist brats. >> laura: brats. >> judge jeanine: no surprise only in the elite universities this is happening. this is a progressive mentality. and unless and until we stop it, it's going to be the next generation running this country. and, by the way, joe biden has ruined this country in terms of border. we are nothing more than a globalist landing spot with benefits. he is bringing them all in so that americans don't matter. >> laura: that was the goal. we're going to be strangers in our own land. >> judge jeanine: for sure. >> laura: judge, i knew this would be awesome. great to see you. >> judge jeanine: bring me on. >> laura: one of my absolute favorites, period, full stop. judge, thank you. >> thank you. right back at you.
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>> laura: we just got a hold of a ridiculous set of so-called needs from the pro-hamas brats the judge was just talking about at ucla. the details, next. ♪
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♪ >> laura: fox has obtained a list of absurd needs, apartments
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from the protesters at ucla after total chaos erupted on campus. bill melugin is here with all the details. bill, can't wait to hear this. >> bill: well, laura, things got incredibly violent for hours last night at ucla. as a result this encampment is turtling up and defend itself as they are prepare tore potential siege. putting up wood pallets and plywood all afternoon long. they are zip tieing it together and drilling it together with screws. basically preparing for any potential breach that could come whether from counter protesters or from police. let's talk about last night because it was wild. take a look at this video. it was nonstop anarchy, chaos and violence for the better part of two hours without any kind of law enforcement interference. we are talking fist fights, people getting maced and pepper sprayed. fireworks being thrown around, schticks and plywood used at weapons. people hitting each other with
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skate boards. pretty much anything and everything you can imagine as a weapon was being used last night. ucla did not ask lapd for help until over an hour of all this chaos. that resulted in injuries on both sides of this melee. then you mentioned that google document we obtained. take a look at this, this is a list of needs that people in this camp are requesting. supplies they say they want. it includes vegan and gluten free food. super bright flashlights with strobe. rope and zip ties. helmets, shields, and wood. knee pads and elbow pads. lotion, no sunscreen, and then goggles and gas mask. they all ask that it be bds compliant. sanctions don't give them anything that has anything to do with israel. lastly, take a look at this video we shot this afternoon. this is the size ever the encampment here at ucla. it has gotten bigger. there are hundreds of people inside. so far the school has taken a hands off approach to this camp. they have not allowed local police to go in and clear it out
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like we saw at columbia. we will see what happens in the days and nights ahead. back out here live just a short time ago, the protesters in this encampment actually had held a press conference where they complained that police didn't do enough last night to intervene and protect them. well, one of the demands they are making is that all police be abolished and that ucla cut all ties with lapd. so, they are trying to have it both ways. laura? we will send it back to you. >> laura: bill, a little bit ironic that you really cut your teeth at the border for fox where the left is really against walls and california doesn't like walls and now ucla has built a wall. so finally they find a barrier they like. >> bill: apparently walls work. >> laura: apparently. bill, thank you so much. make sure to get that vegan food right over there. if you thought these college hamas supporters were bad, wait in the real ones are dumped in your neighborhood. >> do you know how many people that the u.s. hopes to relocate
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and, secondly, given the challenges, getting in and out of gaza will the u.s. assist in physically bringing palestinians here? >> just don't have anything to announce at this time. we are constantly evaluating policy proposals to further support palestinians who are family members of american citizens and may want to come to the united states. we are evaluating it. >> laura: while the white house evaluates it, think about this, according to a leading palestinian research institute, 91% of palestinians believe that hamas did not commit any atrocities against israeli civilians during the october 7th attack. and a lot of other things about rape, culture and other things that we probably have a real problem with in the united states. joining me now missouri senator josh hawley. senator, what's the biden administration thinking here? >> oh, what they are thinking is votes, laura. they are thinking about they have got win over these radicals who apparently make up their base. here is my view on this. we don't need any more pro-hamas
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radicals in this country. we just saw the video, the images from these campuses. why would the american taxpayer pay to bring over more of these folks. we ought to be deporting radicals and terrorists, not importing them on the american taxpayer dollar. >> laura: senator, we brought over 100,000 afghan refugees, and everyone feels terrible for anyone in a war. the idea that 100,000 afghans? we promised them. i didn't promise them anything. i mean, they are 20 -- maybe they are 20 or 25 interpreters who should be given refuge in the united states. but, americans don't want this and they don't care. they don't want this in the united states. >> here's the other thing on the afghans we didn't vet them either. >> laura: of course not. we are not going to vet the middle eastern countries don't want the gazans. >> exactly. >> laura: they are not welcoming them egypt and other countries don't want them. >> there is a reason for that we are not going to vet the afghanys and palestinians it's throwing open the door to
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terrorists you show the statistics, 90% think attacks on israel were a good thing. do we really want to import more folks who want to kill israelis, kill jews, kill americans into this country all on taxpayer funded dime. that's just crazy. >> laura: a lot of chants across the nation we have heard in recent months we have heard this one. watch. [shouting] [bleep] [shouting] >> laura: and to think those brats at ucla and columbia and fordham once great institutions by the way wearing the head scarves try to fit in with this crowd. >> you see where that was. dearborn, michigan where some of this video is shot. this is why biden is doing what he is doing. is he look at electoral votes and saying man, i have got to do everything i can to pandor to what he increasingly believes is the pro-hamas base.
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>> why -- >> because it's so important. don't you know you? have to signal that you are virtuous and upright and righteous. >> laura: i think these brats are worried about jobs in corporate america. >> they should be. >> laura: that's why they have the umbrellas up. they don't want -- or maybe mommy and daddy. they didn't pay this. pay tuition for that. >> well, and nor should they have. here's the deal. here is where they would feel the pain. these people need to be expelled. they care about their resume more than anything else. expel them. expel them. send them to prison. send a message and, laura, send in the national guard to these campuses to protect jewish students on campus. if it was good enough for the 1950s for eisenhower to do. it's good enough for biden to do. let's make a commitment that if you are an american jew you will be safe on our campuses that will get these people's attention. >> laura: ucla finally likes walls. i love that finally. >> wonders never cease. >> laura: senator hawley thank you very much. trump back on the campaign trail as the media tries out latest scare tactic. this is another good one, next.
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>> laura: oh, gosh, former president trump has to be worried tonight kind back out on the campaign trail and kind of a tepid response he got. [chanting] [chanting four more years] >> laura: i mean, this went on and on and on. this one dangerous reception is he getting isn't exactly what the democrats hoped for after, of course, the stream of indictments against him. but, judge merchan just can't hold a good politician down you michigan and wisconsin two blue wall states where a trump victory in november would spell absolute disaster for joe biden. and some of the voting blocks
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that biden heavily relied on in 2020 seem to be running full steam away from him. joining me now at the big board to unpack all of it ben domenech editor-at-large for the spectator and a fox news contributor. all right, ben, i really was dying to talk to you about what is going on with the youth vote in particular because in the last election, biden led trump by, what was it? 24 points voters under 29? now, according to the new poll biden is only ahead by 2? >> look, the shift away from joe biden, the animosity toward him among younger voters is not just due to his age and decensorship at this, it's also due to the fact that he is not speaking to any of their priorities and issues that's something true of this white house basically since the midterms. they are running this election as if it's a midterm election as
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owe boseed to doing anything to shift toward what general election audience would like like. >> laura: playing to the pro-gaza crowd you would come away big mistake. >> huge mistake. when you look at the priorities of younger voters, particularly younger voters forming families, they actually are more attuned to the fact of inflation, to the fact of economic challenge, to the fact of. >> laura: they can't buy a house. >> having no ability to change anything in terms of them buying a house, forming a family, et cetera. >> laura: nightmare. >> these are fundamental issues, and the white house doesn't care about them. >> laura: let's talk independent voters, ben, trump is leading again by seven points. compare that to the 2020 election, biden won independents by 13 points. that was according to a cbs exit poll. what is that telling us? >> independent voters are quick swinging to donald trump because they are re-evaluating the presidency that he had in a positive ways. they are looking back on that time and basically saying, you know what in the media kind of
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lied to us about how chaotic things were or how things were going for the country. in fact, when i look back at the time then, my life was better. >> and that's one of the reasons these independent voters are not interested in what the joe biden white house is selling and they don't really seem to have any kind of recipe to offer something that's an alternative. >> laura: instead of finger in the eye. suburban voters, this is fascinating. biden leads trump among women by 23, gulp, but trump is up among suburban men by five. so now the suburban woman voter, the suburban driving the subaru as i said with the mask on and really yesterday to go to the next planned parenthood event? how are you ever going to get those people or will you? >> look, i think that's where joe biden's base really exists now. but i think that's all he's got. that's why he is doubling down in so many different ways on all of these different crazy policies that relate to not just, you know, abortion, but to a host of other issues. i think that what you're going
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to see though is that a lot of those women, i think, are actually going to lean back toward trump as it comes closer to the election. because of the economic interest. >> laura: title ix hurting girls and women. >> hurting girls. >> laura: radical position by biden. >> radical position. totally out of touch. he doesn't care about it. >> laura: do you agree they're all the squad now? >> i think they are beholden to the far left and the squad in their own party in a way that i never thought someone with a political bone in their body would be able to, you know, navigate. they are completely out of touch with where the american people are right now and it's hurting them. >> laura: ben, great to see you tonight. >> good to be with you. >> laura: never trump republicans are seeing their world collapse and the media right along with them. frantically, they are trying to help biden, so they are resorting to pay no attention to the mobs taking over these college campuses, denying access to other students who want an education. protest praise by terrorists worldwide. yeah. focus on them.
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but, the real scary thing is trump back in the white house. yeah. because he'll, what? imprison the media and open gulag? >> if he doesn't win, he won't rule out political violence. >> to me, the way it read it almost sounded like a threat we ysaw what happened on january 6th. i think there could be a repeat of that. >> yeah, could we see something worse, do you think? >> that's definitely a possibility. >> it is very scary and people should be fearful that he is going to be a dictator just like he said. >> laura: joining me now victor davis hanson, senior fellow at hoover. victor, well, these lines haven't worked for the last few years for the biden team. but, are they going to start being persuasive now? >> no, i don't think so. this is the third time they have been at it. and we have talked about it before, laura. it's projecting -- they are thinking if they had suffered from trump what they have inflicted on him and they were going to come back to power, they know what they would do and they project that on to trump. i think they are really scared though. the team around trump is, laura, much more disciplined than in
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the past. and this heritage project under kevin roberts of getting 20,000 potential people that can be vetted and background checks and conservative and hit the ground running, that's what they are really worried about that trump not only might win but that he might win the senate and the house. and this time just enact an agenda is somewhat similar to the gingrich contract of america and get things done and that really terrifies them. >> laura: they are speculating about what trump would do to the department of justice. watch. >> there has been so little attention paid to what donald trump says he is going to do in his next. people are v. a right to be afraid. >> he says i'm not going to be a dictator. i'm just joking. let me tell you how i'm going to manipulate the department of justice and fire people who don't do exactly what i want and put a bunch of loyalists into all of these civil servant offices. >> laura: victor, she works for something called the bulwark again, what -- i'm going to
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start laughing, but what does that say to us? >> what trump is saying that he doesn't want four consecutive fbi directors out of the department of justice, one who couldn't remember 250 times under oath. another one, mr. muriel had no idea what the dossier was, the steele dossier or fusion gps, which is the catalyst for his appointment. another one andrew mccabe lied four times under oath to fbi investigators but trump, yes. he wants to reform those. the doj was knee deep in this steele dossier. it was knee deep with the fbi twitter to suppress information. the laptop disinformation was in the intelligence authority, some of them in the doj. but most of them the c.i. a. so they are just boliviaous to all the things they have done. they are surprised that donald trump wouldn't trust these people and the american people wouldn't trust them.
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>> laura: huge public support as well, victor, to cut the government and cut red tape and cut the bureaucracy. they are terrified of a more efficient washington if that's even possible. victor, thank you. all right, how terrified is china of a second trump term? well, weigh just found out. the details, next. ♪ it's kubota orange days, shop the year's biggest selection of kubota equipment and get 0% apr for 84 months or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. find your nearest dealer at
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♪ >> this is not about containing china. we want china's economy to grow. >> it's important to both of us that we don't want to decouple our economies. >> i don't want to contain china. i just want to make sure we have a relationship with china that is on the up and up, squared away, everybody knows what it's all about. >> laura: now, if there was any doubt that the ccp is rooting for biden to win, well, the "wall street journal" piece today should put those doubts to win. beijing braces for a rematch of trump vs. china. officials are precinct for the potential of more turbulent u.s. relations and another trade war should trump get reelected. now, yeah. they are getting worried. the man is seen as china's next foreign minister even reportedly said under trump, we had a bad experience. joining me now gordon chang, senior fellow at gate stone.
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gordon, now, i love this, okay? an american president stand up for american manufacturing and american workers is a threat to china. yeah. and that's a bad thing? >> it's a great thing. the important thing here is biden has been talking about tripling tariffs on china. but he has been president for more than three years. and finally he decides oh, there's a november 5 election, i got to do something about the rank and file and labor. but, trump has always been in favor of tariffs. he increased them in 2018, as a remedy for the theft of u.s. intellectual property i wants to increase them to at least 60%. the chinese know that. of course the chinese want bidens. laura bush lawyer we have heard from the fbi that there are ream concerns of china's interference in the next presidential election through social media and other ways to push out
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information and pure propaganda. how concerned are you about this, given the fact that for china trillions of dollars is on the line? >> well, you know, we don't have to speculate about this, laura, because we know that in 2020, beijing used tiktok, other social media platforms, and text messaging to sabotage the trump campaign. and they were successful. so, you know, we heard avril hanelz, who is the director of national intelligence a month ago talking about them using tiktok in the upcoming election. this is going to happen because beijing knows it's critical. they need to have another biden presidency. you know, in november of 2020, just three weeks after biden was elected, the chinese were openly bragging that they could control biden. they said, look, we couldn't do that during the trump era. this is very clear. you know, this clear where beijing stands on all. this. >> laura: remember when milley, gordon, was calling over to his chinese counterpart general milley and said we got it. essentially we got it.
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don't worry, nothing is going to happen. i mean, this is the close relationship that they seem to have. like interceding for biden by calling the chinese, actually, this is before a vote was cast on election night. so, there is no doubt in my mind that biden wants to appear to be tough on china before the election, but, if he is reelected, what will he do vis-a-vis china? >> well, he will go back to doing what he did before. that is being submissive on the big issues. you know, he is going to send blinken. he's going to send yellen to beijing to beg. you know, that's something the chinese love. but, trump is not submissive. he does not beg. you know, the chinese know that he is unpredictable and that they can't control him. and they hate that. so, you know, in trump's world, it's always america first. in biden's, that's not the case.
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>> laura: yeah, bye-bye chinese evs that will flood the united states. if trump is elected president, that's not going to happen. gordon, thank you. why are these protests exploding across the country and fani willis take as load off. "seen and unseen," raymond arroyo, next. ♪
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and ego authorized dealers. >> time for seen and unseen. returned to fox news contributor so good to see your raiment. these protests are out of control and they breached your city of new orleans. >> the police and swat teams were called into clear the protesters. of the 14 arrests, the police say two were students which makes sense given this video we acquired. >> there would be a cease-fire if hamas would release the hostages. you are sympathizing with terror
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islamic terrorists, you are an islamic terrorist. i know you are. icu. you wait. >> okay wait, first of all i love that video. you spoke to a member of the swat team who are rest of the he told me he believes this is a dry run for november. it kind of took my breath away when he said that. is that what do you mean? he said this is a chance for these activists to light up there network through social media. >> or october before the election. >> correct. to test the police, the prosecutors on the public appetite for this kind of public anarchy. it certainly feels like something much more than gaza policy driving this. with the people financing it, with elements like those who are not students at these universities, this is outrageous. we really should watch it closely and see who's behind it. at northwestern university, you will love this, they negotiated with the protesters and
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announced today that they would grant full scholarships to palestinian students and guarantee faculty jobs to palestinian instructors, terrorism apparently wins. >> apparently you can negotiate with terrorists. >> and get dinner. to begin dinners, luton free pizza, all of it given exactly as ordered. >> biden will bring in perhaps 100,000 palestinian refugees. >> i tell you what, on the brighter side, there was one shot that was so uplifting throughout the whole fracas. the university of north carolina chapel hill, a group of frat brothers defending the american flag when protesters tried to tear it down and replace it with a palestinian flying. there is hope. >> we will have one on tomorrow. can't wait. get stoked because these guys are like you know something, we are not putting up with this. why does the squeaky wheel always get the grease. >> when the majority watches from the windows. >> question is, where is biden.
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>> funny you should ask, he had no public events today but issued a timely and heavily edited video to address americans real concerns. >> folks, did you hear what donald trump said, saying women should be punished for accessing reproductive healthcare, that states should be able to prosecute women. >> that is not what he said it all. he said the states will make their own decisions vis-à-vis abortion. that white house editor, that is the hardest working person in the building, you have to give it to him. they cross cut his every word. >> you can almost smell the formaldehyde. i mean my goodness. i saw london's tomb in red square in russia when i was visiting once, he looks more alive than biden there. >> this is seen and unseen and in fulton county there was a debate between the candidates for district attorney. i give you will is unseen. >> let's meet the candidates.
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christian smith is an author and attorney. fanni willis has served as fulton county district attorney since 2021. miss willis declined to participate in the debate and is represented by an empty podium. [ laughter ] >> i guess that's better than an empty suit. but we did track her down in miami at a conference where she is making headlines, or perhaps more accurately panty lines. the daily mail reported fani willis suffers embarrassing wardrobe malfunction while speaking on stage in miami event >> the report reads that at one point she fidgeted around in her seat, this happens to the best of us, inadvertently showing off her black undergarments to the crowd. okay men, you don't have to deal with these problems. everyone in the studio knows what i'm talking about. but maybe she should have showed up at the debate. >> she hasn't shown this much since nathan wade booked those
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-- [ simultaneous talking ] >> before i'm unseen, i was looking at my instagram feed and i came across this... >> look, look. this is coming. okay, look. look, look, look. what do i do? i don't want any chemicals but i don't want any holes in the plants. >> oh please, your protocol for growing roses is dialing 1800 flowers. give me a break. >> that's not true, help me out here sam. first of all i really worked hard in that garden. i do. at i'm not very good at it so i solicited on my instagram a lot of help. do you have roses at your house, those knockout roses? i think i called them -- this is how stupid i am. >> you have to prune them back, it's all green. >> someone said you have to prune them but vinegar, that's what sam is telling me. i should throw vinegar on them because i don't want to hurt the
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bees. i am an environmentalist i have to say. >> i gave you a comment, spray jack daniels on them. it a nest the size the beatles. >> but you know that soil around the dmv area, district of maryland and virginia, it's very late. the indians used to make the pots. i can't get stuff to grow here. >> you tending flowers is yelling ftd siri in the backyard. >> i'm going to show more photos of my flowers thank you. thank you sam for the input. raymond, thank you. that's it for us tonight, follow me on social media. rose gate continues. thank you for watching. it is america now and forever and i can't wait to see what jesse and the gang say about the latest on campus. >> speaker-01: welcome to "jesse watters primetime". tonight... [ crowd noise


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